Results for 'Aaron Leonard Mishara'

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  1.  23
    David Porter.Jocelyn Cooper, Aaron Hershkowitz, Ashley Leonard, Josh Rocchio, Xiaobo Tang, Lisa Wells & Judith P. Hallett - 2011 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 104 (4):502-502.
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  2. On Wolfgang Blankenburg, Common Sense, and Schizophrenia.Aaron L. Mishara - 2001 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 8 (4):317-322.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 8.4 (2001) 317-322 [Access article in PDF] On Wolfgang Blankenburg, Common Sense, and Schizophrenia Aaron L. Mishara Introduction In its increasing openness to neuroscience (Cowan, Harter, and Kandel 2000) and other of its neighboring disciplines, mainstream biological psychiatry has allowed psychopathology, philosophy, and philosophical approaches to psychopathology to play an increased role in current research interests. Given this new openness, and the acknowledgment (...)
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    Commentary on "Wilhelm Griesinger".Aaron L. Mishara - 1996 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 3 (3):165-167.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Commentary on “Wilhelm Griesinger”Aaron L. Mishara (bio)Arens situates Wilhelm Griesinger in a historical context with which we are no longer familiar. In doing so, she has performed an important task for contemporary clinicians, philosophers, and historians. We find ourselves working and thinking (both in everyday clinical practice and in the construction of our models of mental disorder) with the same categories that Griesinger struggled to sort out (...)
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    Are delusions biologically adaptive? Salvaging the doxastic shear pin.Aaron L. Mishara & Phil Corlett - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (6):530–531.
    In their target article, McKay & Dennett (M&D) conclude that only “positive illusions” are adaptive misbeliefs. Relying on overly strict conceptual schisms (deficit vs. motivational, functional vs. organic, perception vs. belief), they prematurely discount delusions asbiologicallyadaptive. In contrast to their view that “motivation” plays a psychological but not a biological function in a two-factor model of the forming and maintenance of delusions, we propose asingleimpairment in prediction-error–driven (i.e., motivational) learning in three stages in which delusions play a biologically adaptive role.
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  5. Husserl and Freud: Time, memory and the unconscious.Aaron L. Mishara - 1990 - Husserl Studies 7 (1):29-58.
    The work of Hussefl and Freud had common sources in the philosophy, psychology and physiology of the nineteenth century. Herbart, Brentano, Helmholtz, Fechner, Wundt and Mach were among the towering figures in their common background who had influence on their respective work. 1 Although contemporaries who had little concern for the other's professional interest, Husserl and Freud nevertheless struggled with some common problems. One of these is the relationship of sensation to memory and to the experience of time. The concepts (...)
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  6. The Later Thought of L. Binswanger in The Moral Sense and Its Foundational Significance: Self, Person, Historicity, Community (Analecta Husserliana, XXXI).Aaron L. Mishara - 1990 - Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
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    Is minimal self preserved in schizophrenia? A subcomponents view☆.Aaron L. Mishara - 2007 - Consciousness and Cognition 16 (3):715-721.
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    Human bodily ambivalence: Precondition for social cognition and its disruption in neuropsychiatric disorders.Aaron L. Mishara - 2009 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 16 (2):133-137.
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    Disconnection of External and Internal in the Conscious Experience of Schizophrenia: Phenomenological Literary and Neuroanatomical Archaeologies of Self.Aaron L. Mishara - 2004 - Philosophica 73 (1):87-126.
  10. First Steps Toward a Psychopathology of "Common Sense".Wolfgang Blankenburg & Aaron L. Mishara - 2001 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 8 (4):303-315.
    In addition to discussing some philosophical accounts of common sense, this article considers several ways in which common sense can be altered or disturbed in psychopathology. Common sense can be defined as practical understanding, capacity to see and take things in their right light, sound judgment, or ordinary mental capacity. The philosopher Vico described it as the ability to distinguish the probable from the improbable. Goethe understood common sense as an "organ" that is formed in communication for the purpose of (...)
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    Phenomenological Neuropsychiatry: How Patient Experience Bridges Clinic with Clinical Practice.Aaron Mishara, Marcin Moskalewicz, Michael A. Schwartz & Alexander Kranjec (eds.) - forthcoming - Springer.
  12. The problem of the unconscious.Aaron L. Mishara - 1990 - In The Later Thought of L. Binswanger in The Moral Sense and Its Foundational Significance: Self, Person, Historicity, Community (Analecta Husserliana, XXXI). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  13.  52
    Is Schizophrenia a Disorder of Consciousness? Experimental and Phenomenological Support for Anomalous Unconscious Processing.Anne Giersch & Aaron L. Mishara - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
    Decades ago, several authors have proposed that disorders in automatic processing lead to intrusive symptoms or abnormal contents in the consciousness of people with schizophrenia. However, since then, studies have mainly highlighted difficulties in patients’ conscious experiencing and processing but rarely explored how unconscious and conscious mechanisms may interact in producing this experience. We report three lines of research, focusing on the processing of spatial frequencies, unpleasant information, and time-event structure that suggest that impairments occur at both the unconscious and (...)
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    Moderated Online Data-Collection for Developmental Research: Methods and Replications.Aaron Chuey, Mika Asaba, Sophie Bridgers, Brandon Carrillo, Griffin Dietz, Teresa Garcia, Julia A. Leonard, Shari Liu, Megan Merrick, Samaher Radwan, Jessa Stegall, Natalia Velez, Brandon Woo, Yang Wu, Xi J. Zhou, Michael C. Frank & Hyowon Gweon - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Online data collection methods are expanding the ease and access of developmental research for researchers and participants alike. While its popularity among developmental scientists has soared during the COVID-19 pandemic, its potential goes beyond just a means for safe, socially distanced data collection. In particular, advances in video conferencing software has enabled researchers to engage in face-to-face interactions with participants from nearly any location at any time. Due to the novelty of these methods, however, many researchers still remain uncertain about (...)
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  15.  58
    The Inevitability of Phenomenology.Hans Linschoten & Aaron L. Mishara - 1979 - Duquesne Studies in Phenomenological Psychology 3:49-59.
  16. Kafka, paranoic doubles and the brain: hypnagogic vs. hyper-reflexive models of disrupted self in neuropsychiatric disorders and anomalous conscious states. [REVIEW]Aaron L. Mishara - 2010 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 5:13.
    Kafka's writings are frequently interpreted as representing the historical period of modernism in which he was writing. Little attention has been paid, however, to the possibility that his writings may reflect neural mechanisms in the processing of self during hypnagogic (i.e., between waking and sleep) states. Kafka suffered from dream-like, hypnagogic hallucinations during a sleep-deprived state while writing. This paper discusses reasons (phenomenological and neurobiological) why the self projects an imaginary double (autoscopy) in its spontaneous hallucinations and how Kafka's writings (...)
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  17. The six most essential questions in psychiatric diagnosis: a pluralogue. Part 4: general conclusion.Allen Frances, Michael A. Cerullo, John Chardavoyne, Hannah S. Decker, Michael B. First, Nassir Ghaemi, Gary Greenberg, Andrew C. Hinderliter, Warren A. Kinghorn, Steven G. LoBello, Elliott B. Martin, Aaron L. Mishara, Joel Paris, Joseph M. Pierre, Ronald W. Pies, Harold A. Pincus, Douglas Porter, Claire Pouncey, Michael A. Schwartz, Thomas Szasz, Jerome C. Wakefield, G. Scott Waterman, Owen Whooley, Peter Zachar & James Phillips - 2012 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 7:14-.
    In the conclusion to this multi-part article I first review the discussions carried out around the six essential questions in psychiatric diagnosis – the position taken by Allen Frances on each question, the commentaries on the respective question along with Frances’ responses to the commentaries, and my own view of the multiple discussions. In this review I emphasize that the core question is the first – what is the nature of psychiatric illness – and that in some manner all further (...)
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  18. The six most essential questions in psychiatric diagnosis: a pluralogue part 1: conceptual and definitional issues in psychiatric diagnosis. [REVIEW]Allen Frances, Michael A. Cerullo, John Chardavoyne, Hannah S. Decker, Michael B. First, Nassir Ghaemi, Gary Greenberg, Andrew C. Hinderliter, Warren A. Kinghorn, Steven G. LoBello, Elliott B. Martin, Aaron L. Mishara, Joel Paris, Joseph M. Pierre, Ronald W. Pies, Harold A. Pincus, Douglas Porter, Claire Pouncey, Michael A. Schwartz, Thomas Szasz, Jerome C. Wakefield, G. Scott Waterman, Owen Whooley & Peter Zachar - 2012 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 7:1-29.
    In face of the multiple controversies surrounding the DSM process in general and the development of DSM-5 in particular, we have organized a discussion around what we consider six essential questions in further work on the DSM. The six questions involve: 1) the nature of a mental disorder; 2) the definition of mental disorder; 3) the issue of whether, in the current state of psychiatric science, DSM-5 should assume a cautious, conservative posture or an assertive, transformative posture; 4) the role (...)
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    The use of the husserlian reduction as a method of investigation in psychiatry.Jean Naudin, Caroline Gros-Azorin, Aaron Mishara, Osborne P. Wiggins, M. Schwartz & J.-M. Azorin - 1999 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 6 (2-3):155-171.
    Husserlian reduction is a rigorous method for describing the foundations of psychiatric experience. With Jaspers we consider three main principles inspired by phenomenological reduction: direct givenness, absence of presuppositions, re-presentation. But with Binswanger alone we refer to eidetic and transcendental reduction: to establish a critical epistemology; to directly investigate the constitutive processes of mental phenomena and their disturbances, freed from their nosological background; to question the constitution of our own experience when facing a person with mental illness. Regarding the last (...)
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  20. The six most essential questions in psychiatric diagnosis: a pluralogue part 3: issues of utility and alternative approaches in psychiatric diagnosis. [REVIEW]Peter Zachar, Owen Whooley, GScott Waterman, Jerome C. Wakefield, Thomas Szasz, Michael A. Schwartz, Claire Pouncey, Douglas Porter, Harold A. Pincus, Ronald W. Pies, Joseph M. Pierre, Joel Paris, Aaron L. Mishara, Elliott B. Martin, Steven G. LoBello, Warren A. Kinghorn, Andrew C. Hinderliter, Gary Greenberg, Nassir Ghaemi, Michael B. First, Hannah S. Decker, John Chardavoyne, Michael A. Cerullo & Allen Frances - 2012 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 7 (1):9-.
    In face of the multiple controversies surrounding the DSM process in general and the development of DSM-5 in particular, we have organized a discussion around what we consider six essential questions in further work on the DSM. The six questions involve: 1) the nature of a mental disorder; 2) the definition of mental disorder; 3) the issue of whether, in the current state of psychiatric science, DSM-5 should assume a cautious, conservative posture or an assertive, transformative posture; 4) the role (...)
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  21. The six most essential questions in psychiatric diagnosis: A pluralogue part 2: Issues of conservatism and pragmatism in psychiatric diagnosis. [REVIEW]Allen Frances, Michael A. Cerullo, John Chardavoyne, Hannah S. Decker, Michael B. First, Nassir Ghaemi, Gary Greenberg, Andrew C. Hinderliter, Warren A. Kinghorn, Steven G. LoBello, Elliott B. Martin, Aaron L. Mishara, Joel Paris, Joseph M. Pierre, Ronald W. Pies, Harold A. Pincus, Douglas Porter, Claire Pouncey, Michael A. Schwartz, Thomas Szasz, Jerome C. Wakefield, G. Waterman, Owen Whooley & Peter Zachar - 2012 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 7:8-.
    In face of the multiple controversies surrounding the DSM process in general and the development of DSM-5 in particular, we have organized a discussion around what we consider six essential questions in further work on the DSM. The six questions involve: 1) the nature of a mental disorder; 2) the definition of mental disorder; 3) the issue of whether, in the current state of psychiatric science, DSM-5 should assume a cautious, conservative posture or an assertive, transformative posture; 4) the role (...)
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    Phenomenological Psychiatry Needs a Big Tent.Osborne P. Wiggins & Michael A. Schwartz - 2011 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 18 (1):31-32.
    This article by Louis Sass, Josef Parnas, and Dan Zahavi takes us into the midst of a debate over recent developments in phenomenological psychiatry. In "Phenomenological Psychopathology and Schizophrenia: Contemporary Approaches and Misunderstandings" (Sass et al. 2011), Sass et al. are responding to criticisms of their position lodged by Aaron L. Mishara in "Missing Links in Phenomenological Clinical Neuroscience: Why We Are Still Not There Yet" (Mishara 2007). In their reply, Sass et al. offer several helpful clarifications (...)
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    Thomistic Papers.Leonard A. Kennedy & Jack C. Marler - 1986 - Center for Thomistic Studies.
  24. Vorlesungen über die Grundlagen der Ethik. Dritter Band : System der philosophischen Rechtslehre und Politik.Léonard Nelson - 1928 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 35 (3):9-10.
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    Phenomenology Is Not a Servant of Science.Matthew Ratcliffe - 2011 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 18 (1):33-36.
    According to Louis Sass, Josef Parnas, and Dan Zahavi (2011), the account of current developments in "phenomenological clinical neuroscience" offered by Aaron Mishara (2007) is "not only confusing but highly inaccurate." Their critique is harsh, but I can find nothing to disagree with. Mishara's distinction between "neo-phenomenology" and "existential phenomenology" does not apply to current work in the field; I do not recognize the two camps he describes. Neither do I find it helpful to distinguish two separate (...)
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  26. The nature of belief.Aaron Z. Zimmerman - 2007 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 14 (11):61-82.
    Neo-Cartesian approaches to belief place greater evidential weight on a subject's introspective judgments than do neo-behaviorist accounts. As a result, the two views differ on whether our absent-minded and weak-willed actions are guided by belief. I argue that simulationist accounts of the concept of belief are committed to neo-Cartesianism, and, though the conceptual and empirical issues that arise are inextricably intertwined, I discuss experimental results that should point theory-theorists in that direction as well. Belief is even less closely connected to (...)
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  27. Racism and the Materialist Anthropology of Karl Marx.Leonard Harris - 1974 - Dissertation, Cornell University
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    System der philosophischen Rechtslehre und Politik.Leonard Nelson - 1966 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 26 (4):618-619.
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    Inheritance Laws and Their Social BackgroundEssays on Oriental Laws of Succession.Aaron Skaist, J. Brugman, M. David, F. R. Kraus, P. W. Pestman & M. H. van der Valk - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (2):242.
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    Changing Attitudes Within the Scientific Community.Leonard A. Cole - 1983 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 3 (2):107-117.
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    Ptolemy and the Lost City of Eldana.Leonard Curchin - 1996 - Hermes 124 (1):123-127.
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    (1 other version)Believing and Necessity.Leonard Linsky - 1977 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 50 (6):526 - 538.
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  33. The universal treatise of Nicholas of Autrecourt.Leonard A. Nicolaus, Richard E. Kennedy, Arthur E. Arnold & Millward - 1971 - Milwaukee,: Marquette University Press.
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    Relationships help make life worth living.Aaron Wightman, Benjamin S. Wilfond, Douglas Diekema, Erin Paquette & Seema Shah - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (1):22-23.
    Decisions regarding life-sustaining medical treatments for young children with profound disabilities can be extremely challenging for families and clinicians. In this study, Brick and colleagues1 surveyed adult residents of the UK about their attitudes regarding withdrawal of treatment using a series of vignettes of infants with varying levels of intellectual and physical disability, based on real and hypothetical cases.1 This is an interesting study on an important topic. We first highlight the limitations of using these survey data to inform public (...)
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    Pseudo‐passions: Needless Categorization or Insightful Distinction?Leonard Ferry - 2016 - New Blackfriars 97 (1067):111-120.
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    Christian Hospitality and Muslim Immigration in an Age of Fear. By Matthew Kaemingk.Aaron Stauffer - 2020 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 40 (1):183-184.
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    Semantic Information and the Syntax of Propositional Attitude Verbs.Aaron S. White, Valentine Hacquard & Jeffrey Lidz - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (2):416-456.
    Propositional attitude verbs, such as think and want, have long held interest for both theoretical linguists and language acquisitionists because their syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic properties display complex interactions that have proven difficult to fully capture from either perspective. This paper explores the granularity with which these verbs’ semantic and pragmatic properties are recoverable from their syntactic distributions, using three behavioral experiments aimed at explicitly quantifying the relationship between these two sets of properties. Experiment 1 gathers a measure of 30 (...)
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    Friendship and the Public Stage: Revisiting Hannah Arendt's Resistance to “Political Education”.Aaron Schutz & Marie G. Sandy - 2015 - Educational Theory 65 (1):21-38.
    Hannah Arendt's essays about the 1957 crisis over efforts of a group of youth, the “Little Rock Nine,” to desegregate a high school in Little Rock, Arkansas, reveal a tension in her vision of the “public.” In this article Aaron Schutz and Marie Sandy look closely at the experiences of the youth desegregating the school, especially those of Elizabeth Eckford, drawing upon them to trace a continuum of forms of public engagement in Arendt's work. This ranges from arenas of (...)
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  39.  35
    Bain's Theory of Belief and the Genesis of Pragmatism.Aaron Zimmerman - 2022 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 57 (3):319-340.
  40. Can Moral Principles Explain Supervenience?Aaron Elliott - 2014 - Res Philosophica 91 (4):629-659.
    The distribution of moral properties supervenes on the distribution of natural properties, and this provides a puzzle for non-naturalism: what could explain supervenience if moral properties are not natural properties? Enoch claims moral principles explain supervenience. But this solution is incomplete without an account of what moral principles and properties are, and what relation holds between them. This paper begins to develop such an account by exploring analogous issues for Realism about Laws of nature in philosophy of science. Appealing to (...)
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  41. Our Knowledge of Universals Annual Philosophical Lecture, Henriette Hertz Trust, British Academy, 1945.Richard I. Aaron - 1945
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    Coyer and the Enlightenment.Leonard Adams - 1974 - Banbury: Voltaire Foundation.
    The Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment series, previously known as SVEC (Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century), has published over 500 peer-reviewed scholarly volumes since 1955 as part of the Voltaire Foundation at the University of Oxford. International in focus, Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment volumes cover wide-ranging aspects of the eighteenth century and the Enlightenment, from gender studies to political theory, and from economics to visual arts and music, and are published in English or French.
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  43. Eshnav la-pilosofiyah. Berman, Aaron & [From Old Catalog] - 1952 - [Tel-Aviv,:
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    The publisher-public official: Real or imagined conflict of interest? (Book).Leonard Ray Teel - 1993 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 8 (3):188 – 190.
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  45. An Agent of Attention: An Inquiry into the Source of Our Control.Aaron Henry - 2019 - Dissertation, University of Toronto
    When performing a skilled action—whether something impressive like a double somersault or something mundane like reaching for a glass of water—you exercise control over your bodily movements. Specifically, you guide their course. In what does that control consist? In this dissertation, I argue that it consists in attending to what you are doing. More specifically, in attending, agents harness their perceptual and perceptuomotor states directly and practically in service of their goals and, in doing so, settle the fine-grained manner in (...)
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    Note de lecture.Léonard Belmont - 2018 - Philosophie 139 (4):94-96.
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    Reply to critics.Aaron James - 2014 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 44 (2):286-304.
    This discussion responds to important questions raised about my theory of fairness in the global economy by Christian Barry, Charles Beitz, A.J. Julius and Kristi Olson. I further elaborate how moral argument can be ‘internal’ to a social practice, how my proposed principles of fairness depend on international practice, how I can admit several relevant conceptions of ‘harm’ and why my account does not depend on a problematic conception of societal ‘endowments’.
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  48. (1 other version)Die sokratische Methode.Leonard Nelson - 1929 - Abhandlungen der Fries'schen Schule: Neue Folge 1:21-78.
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  49. Inductive Inference and Unsolvability.Leonard M. Adleman & M. Blum - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56 (3):891-900.
    It is shown that many different problems have the same degree of unsolvability. Among these problems are: THE INDUCTIVE INFERENCE PROBLEM. Infer in the limit an index for a recursive function f presented as f(0), f(1), f(2),.... THE RECURSIVE INDEX PROBLEM. Decide in the limit if i is the index of a total recursive function. THE ZERO NONVARIANT PROBLEM. Decide in the limit if a recursive function f presented as f(0), f(1), f(2),... has value unequal to zero for infinitely many (...)
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    Fortschritte und Rückschritte der Philosophie.Leonard Nelson - 1962 - [Frankfurt am Main]: Verlag Öffentliches Leben. Edited by Julius Kraft.
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